Friday, September 21, 2007

Teacher Troubles

I'll preface this by saying I am a teacher, so I do know the challenges of the days of teaching. That being said, I am very disappointed with Miss 9's new teacher. (literally new, it's her first year) Miss 9 is in 4th grade, it's a tough year by any standards, and I remember this from when Mr 17 and Miss 14 went through it. Because of Miss 9's learning and anxiety problems we do a lot of homework every night, usually for nearly 2+ hours. However, I think it is completely wrong when my daughter is now scared to ask her teacher for help due to the responses she gets from her teacher. My daughter has commented on eye rolls, heavy sighs and being told "that one is easy, go back to your desk." The teacher knows about the learning disabilities and still does nothing to accomodate them. The same problems are being had by other students in the classroom. This morning we had a meeting with the Principal. There are 5 sets of parents with major concerns already with the teacher and there hasn't even been a month of school yet. I am completely frustrated. On the plus side, I am able to help Miss 9 with all her homework since I taught in this same grade last year and I know the curriculum. But I do feel bad for other students who don't have this advantage at home.

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