Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Thank you God for AC

Thank goodness there is AC and God bless whoever invented it! Here in Smalltown, UpperMidwest, USA we managed to hit triple digit heat. Add to that the fact that the dewpoint was 75 and if felt like you walked outside into a sauna. If you wanted a sauna it was good, if you had yardwork to do... not so good. We managed to survive the heat and today gave us a brief respite before we head back into the 90's again. It's nothing new for our area. I don't mind it like Hubby does. But he does have to work outside, and for the most part I get to choose when I go outside. Yesterday we had the pool up in the backyard for Miss 9 and her friends. If I sat really still, in the shade, wearing no shoes and lightweight clothes, I didn't feel too bad. I was the lifeguard for the afternoon. Although since Miss 9 and her friends are all on the local swim club, and have been swimming on the club team since they were all 4, I wasn't needed all that much. So I got to read. Yay! My favorite pastime. The only bad news~ Mr 17 managed to finish the new Harry Potter book before I did, that has never happened! I'm feeling a bit irritated by that fact. But in my defense, he spent 5 hours on Monday and ALL DAY yesterday reading. I had the regular Mom chores to fit in between chapters. Please excuse me now while I wave my wand and the dishes magically clean themselves.

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